The Whistler - 508 Episodes

Actually there are about 450 OTR episodes of The Whistler ( didn't accept about 50 of them)
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Here comes the Cliche!!!

I mean it when I say "IT Don't get much better than this!!!" Serious, there are only a few other shows that I can notch up to the level of The Whistler (suspense, jack benny, gunsmoke and lux radio theater) I recommend this to anybody who is new to OTR and is looking for a great program to get into!
I Liked the Whistler Intro Best in Early Shows

Charlie Heinz
Bill Foreman, who was the voice of The Whistler, was much better in the early shows. More informal sounding. They changed his rhetoric later, so it is more like the old ho-hum announcers. And later on, the scripts weren't as good. But I'm glad archive has these shows because there is really nothing worth listening to on the radio. And I never watch TV except for news now and that is comprised of sound bites. Watered down violence reporting. I have to give less than the highest rating because there are some very muddy shows. Nobody to fix them.
Stories and scripts

If you want to hear a few of the same stories again (actually, there are a lot of good ones you haven't heard) check out "The Chase" -there are 2 lists on the archive, one with very good audio and one with poor- Now, as to stealing stories, I DO know this: Shows and networks shared and/or exchanged scripts, but I'm not sure how the "deals" were done. The more classic radio you listen to, the more you'll come accross this. Not frequently, just now and then. Besides, sometimes it's interesting to hear one version vs. another!
retribution and death demands a payment

These 2 shows are exactly the same. Also, show #009, jealousy, is exactly the same as "in fear and trembling", a show early on in the Suspense series of shows. What I'm wondering is which series it was originally made for and which show stole the story from the other. Suspense also did the Whispers "Death has a thirsts one yime too. Any one know who wrote and did these episodes first and which show blatantly copied the shows and performed them under different story names?
Use Single Episodes Entry

Note for those who are trying to download The Whistler collection, I found that the mp3 zip file on this page contains only one episode and the torrent did not open. Another link for this show "The Whistler Single Episodes" seems to include a working mp3 zip file. That link has higher quality audio files but of course is a big download.
Green with envy

toby jug
Thanks to OTR I am able to listen to and appreciate some of the best US radio from the last 60+ years, In the UK the BBC has provided me with excellent radio plays etc, but not to the quantity and variety that US radio companies have been able to. Oh to have been brought up in the States!!!!!

I love this radio show, because it features different characters everytime, and you dont get bored. They all have a risk of death, and the episodes usually end with a good plot twist. There are some episodes where you shake your head at the silly ending, but the stories are most intriguing, unlike The Shadow.
I know....

"I know the nameless terrors of which they dare not speak!" The Whistler... knows? or The Shadow knows? Who cares. Good shows. So good, we talk about them at home after we hear them. Darn good writing. Suspenseful. In fact, Suspense! radio show is similar if not exactly like this one in premise.