New Thinking: Advances in the Study of Human Cognitive Evolution

University of Oxford Podcasts
The Social Brain on the Internet | 43:44 | Read by Robin Dunbar |
Why the Hominin Cognitive Niche Was and Is a Crucially Socio-cognitive Niche | 50:29 | Read by Andrew Whiten |
Metacognition and the Social Mind: How Individuals Interact at the Neural Level | 38:25 | Read by Chris Frith |
Experiencing Language | 43:42 | Read by Eva Jablonka |
Signals, Honesty and the Evolution of Language | 49:10 | Read by Kim Sterelny |
Embodiment: Taking Sociality Seriously | 43:14 | Read by Louise Barrett |
Cortico-cerebellar Evolution and the Distributed Neural Basis of Cognition | 45:08 | Read by Robert Barton |
A New Comparative Psychology | 46:02 | Read by Russell Gray |
The Mystery of Cumulative Culture | 54:14 | Read by Kevin Laland |
Cultural Inheritance of Cultural Learning | 54:38 | Read by Cecilia Heyes |
Welcome and Introduction | 4:03 | Read by Cecilia Heyes |
some interesting some beyond me

I’m not a scientist just some one who has always wanted to know “What’s going on in there?” I found some of the lectures fascinating and some put me to sleep. If your wondering about the evaluation of the brain you might find some of these talks interesting even though we can’t see the visual displays they are talking about. The general ideas come through. And we don’t have to take a test at the end.
applicable insights

Cigar Conspiracy
listen to all of the talks, they are not typical and have good insight and application of you practice therapy