A Dance With Demons
Jeff Offringa
Read by Jeff Offringa

Tarn Nohmal doesn't want much out of life. Food on the table, a roof over his head, and privacy. But when his old commander shows up and needs someone to track a band of orcs, what should be a simple mission turns out to become an endeavor to stop disaster from spreading across the entire realm of Averim.
Not only is the kingdom threatened from within by a civil war, but the lack of troops on the eastern border seems to be making the orcs bolder. And to top it off, a demon is slaughtering orcs and humans alike. And it's up to Tarn and his companions; Nyla, a half-elven wizard, and Logan, a human priest raised by dwarves, to stop it before it comes to their home town and slaughters everyone there.
But will there be a home town to return to? The Earl keeps calling troops west to support him in the civil war. The orcs can't be that big a threat... right?
Step into the world of Aromathus, the creation of author Jeff Offringa, and experience swords and sorcery, military maneuvers, and political intrigue in a place where magic abounds, knights charge gloriously into battle, and the orcs may not be as stupid as they appear...
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ADWD 01 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 02 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 03 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 04 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 05 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 06 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 07 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 08 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 09 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 10 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 11 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 12 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 13 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 14 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 15 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 16 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 17 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 18 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 19 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 20 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 21 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 22 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 23 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 24 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 25 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 26 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 27 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 28 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 29 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 30 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 31 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 32 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 33 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 34 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 35 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 36 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 37 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 38 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 39 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 40 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 41 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 42 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 43 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 44 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 45 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 46 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 47 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 48 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 49 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 50 | Read by Jeff Offringa | |
ADWD 51 | Read by Jeff Offringa |

By: Jeff
Hey, it's Jeff, the author of the book. I'm glad you folks are enjoying the story; I just hope you enjoy hearing it half as much as I did writing it! Now, to respond to Nhonami - Yes, the book did honestly have its origin in a D&D campaign (Hey, ...
scribl ads ruin it.

so tired of ads that are louder than the story. why can't they just put up a banner ad why interrupt the flow of story? annoying.
Got bored halfway through

It started off okay but seemed to lose its way a bit in the middle and I simply couldn’t be bothered to listen to the rest of it. The thing that particularly irritated me was the insults that were included with most exchanges between the main protagonists. They were repeated every sentence and I got sick to death of hearing them e.g. human is referred to as ‘pink skin’. After you’ve heard it for the fifth of the six time in a few minutes, it really starts to grate! Can’t recommend this one sorry. Paragraph

By: Cat
Wow. Absolutely amazing. Great story, excellent narration, awesome plot. I am waiting for the next chapter!!!!! Can't wait. Can't give you enough praise. Podiobooks is a great site, and what a gift to have all you authors share your creations with us, but it is a special treat to start ...

By: Chris
Enjoyed listening to all the episodes. From an audio point of view, there were a few things that could have been improved. I did notice some static in the episodes towards the end and periodically the sound would dip quite a bit. From the writing side of things, everything seemed ...

By: Bycin
I've just discovered A Dance With Demons and have been listening to it on my commute to and from work. While not perfect, it is good enough for me to not want to turn it off in favor of the radio. There are a few issues that preventing me from ...
I'm Okay I 8th Okay 8th to go without 98

Steezy F. Baby
Okay I love yoh youuu7.5ft is gonna go to shit with the throne and and 777yummy I don't ui i i t shirt pulling up on that one up lmfao to go get something for a good day Tyrone

By: Tuhboo
James: Have you tried to download the files again. I recently downloaded all the files with no issues. I wonder if a server was busy when you tried to download the files.