Black Star Passes
John Wood Campbell Jr.
Read by John W. Campbell

Follow along with Arcot, Morey, and Wade as they discover a revolutionary form of propulsion, visit our neighboring planets, and go up against aliens from a rogue solar system that passes close to our own. These three stories (Piracy Preferred, Solarite, and The Black Star Passes) were originally published as a serial in Amazing Stories magazine.
Scott D. Farquhar from Prometheus Radio Theatre
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By: Scott
Unfortunately I find myself in the difficult position of needing to apologize for another delay. There's some good news to this apology, though. The main reason (aside from my having a 6 day work week in September and October) is that I'm currently composing music for the upcoming 2-hour, 6-part ...

By: Scott
Many thanks to those who are listening! We are heading into the home stretch with the final story now underway. The prologue to Book 3 will be the longest episode in the series, and the remaining chapters will be on the longer side of the overall average length. We're currently ...

By: Neill
Excellent job! This is one of my favorite books from the "super science space opera" genre that Campbell and "Doc" Smith did so well . I hope you will consider completing the trilogy by recording Islands of Space and Invaders from the Infinite. Another of Campbell's series "for your consideration" ...

By: Scott
Sometimes life very spectacularly tells you when you are doing too much. I have made the very tough decision to step away from composing for PRT. A fantastic (and certainly currently less stressed and overworked) composer has jumped in to allow Contents Under Pressure to get to you without even ...

By: Martin
This is a good story and a good idea to have done it as a podiobook. I am really enjoying it - except for the poor audio quality. I am very suprised to see that Audio quality has been given 5 stars here, as it is not good. - I ...

By: Scott
Hi, Martin. Thanks for the feedback! Give the sound files you found to be scratchy another listen if you get a chance, and let me know if you still detect an issue...? I think it may have been caused by the opening tags that were automatically added to the stream. ...

By: Scott
Apologies on the slight delay in the next episode, for those who might be eager. My neighbors were having their windows replaced over the weekend and the very noisy work was happening during those times I had intended to record. It should only be a day or two...

By: Scott
If you are interested in recording and new to this kind of thing, Lathrop, you might go and check out Cheers!