The Devil's Deep
Michael Wallace
Read by Michael Wallace

Chad Lett is a mute witness to an attempted murder. He suffers from total paralysis, locked within a prison of his own mind. After years of silence, he establishes contact with a young nurse's aid through a single blinking eye, but then she is abducted and a staff member begins to administer dropperfuls of cleaning solution into his communicating eye.
A heart-pounding thriller that will stay with the reader long after the last word is read, the Devil's Deep travels from the hell of a long-term care facility to the rain forest of Costa Rica. And a crime committed under tropical waters, the dive known as El Bajo del Diablo—the Devil’s Deep.
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DevilsDeep 01 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 02 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 03 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 04 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 05 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 06 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 07 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 08 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 09 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 10 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 11 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 12 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 13 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 14 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 15 | Read by Michael Wallace | |
DevilsDeep 16 | Read by Michael Wallace |

By: Rynier
Hi Michael I am halfway through the book so far and I like what I am hearing. Thanks for releasing an audio version and I know a lot of effort has gone into it, but if you can stand just a little constructive criticism then I have two words for ...

By: Michael Wallace
Thanks, I'm working on that aspect. There's a learning curve to releasing an audiobook, that's for sure. At this point, there's no question that my writing skills are well ahead of my audio skills.

By: Graham pollard
Great book, thanks i give it 5 out of 5. more please Michael.

By: Ayers
Everyone check this book out. This is a top notch thriller. I was pacing the house listening to episode 14, what suspense you wove into it, and every episode. I can't wait to see what happens next. Your plot and character development are much better than many authors in million ...

By: Michael Wallace
Ayers, Thanks for the great compliment. I wouldn't cry over a million bucks, but for now I'm delighted to be reaching some more readers. It's a lot of work recording and editing these podiobooks, but it's satisfying in way that I don't always get through other kinds of book releases. ...

By: Linda
Michael, you have become one of my favorite authors. Your books seem to grab me very quickly and I just can't put them down. I have read 4 of your books and loved them all. Tonight I am going to start reading Trial by Fury. Looking forward to it. You ...

By: Marc V
Really liked the story, I felt like I was right there watching the whole thing unfold in front of me. I work in behavioral health and have worked in a home just like that. Really fantastic, can't wait for the next book.
The Devil's Deep

I love the story! I can't wait to read the sequel I'm going to download it now! The reader was excellent!