KIRINS: The Spell of No'an
James D. Priest
Read by James D. Priest

A race of tiny, magical beings lives on Earth today. They dwell in elaborate tree homes and mysterious underground sanctuaries. Because of an ancient dispute, however, humans are unaware of their hidden civilization.
They are kirins.
For thousands of years they lived in peace. But a deadly menace now threatens their existence. A party of daring explorers, led by the wise magician Speckarin, is sent on trained ravens to destroy an evil lurking a continent and an ocean away. Failure of this mission would mean death to the voyagers and the entire kirin race. But their success will depend on aid from a truly unexpected source, human beings.
Fly with these adventurers and witness today's world as it has never before been seen. You'll find yourself looking to the skies for this mystical race of beings, because maybe, just maybe . . .
The Spell of No'an is the first book of the KIRINS trilogy. Mary Logue, author of DANCING WITH AN ALIEN, SNATCHED, and numerous other books, says this about the work: "Having read all three books of James Priest's wonderful trilogy, I have nothing but praise. The scope of this work, which takes us from the middle of North America across the Atlantic on the backs of birds to Stonehenge, is extraordinary. I enjoyed every moment I spent with the kirins. Priest's work resembles LORD OF THE RINGS, but is more rooted in nature and gentler in tone."
A PDF of the book is available from Foremost Press.
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Good for children

Mervyn Bunter
More a children's book than a book fof adults; the characters voice the obvious, the language is very basic and unintersting, the themes are childlike. but, it is very clearly, if rather ploddingly, read, and it is very sweet.

By: solid granite
Thoroughly enjoyed the podio versions of the first two books of the trilogy, and can't wait for the third! You've done a great job, both with the writing and telling of a truly enjoyable story!

By: James Priest
"LEADS THE READER SOFTLY INTO A CAPTIVATING, SPLENDID FANTASY WORLD" - A.F. Stewart Hello everyone, to read A.F. Stewart's entire review of my book, go to: Thanks and best wishes, James Priest

By: Whiteselkie
I really like this story. I listened to the second book also. I can't wait to listen to the third. Will this be uploaded soon? Fantastic story.
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Great Follow

10 Year Old Son loved it!