Hellwatch: Pilot
Larime Taylor
Read by Larime Taylor

A young disabled woman in a wheelchair protects an unaware world from demons and monsters.
Ester Vasquez, born with arthrogryposis, hunts the monsters and demons that hide from the unsuspecting masses along with her 6'8, 360lbs Samoan care provider, Sammy.
In episode one - 'Pilot' - Ester and Sammy travel just over the Mexican border from their home in Arizona to help a little boy possessed by a demon, but what awaits them when they return home is far worse than anything they've ever faced.
It will take all of Ester's brains and Sammy's brawn to repel an attack that threatens not just years of hard work, but their lives as well.
This book comes from Scribl.com. Visit Scribl to support the author or learn how to self-publish your own audiobook.
HellwatchPilot01 | Read by Larime Taylor | |
HellwatchPilot02 | Read by Larime Taylor | |
HellwatchPilot03 | Read by Larime Taylor | |
HellwatchPilot04 | Read by Larime Taylor | |
HellwatchPilot05 | Read by Larime Taylor |

By: JenM
I lobed this first episode and am looking forward to more! It was great that Esther was such a strong woman with a disability. As someone with a disability myself, I really appreacited it. :)

By: Larime
Garrett: Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it. I'm hoping to get some better equipment in the future, so hopefully the sound will improve. JenM: I'm disabled as well, so that means a lot to me. I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed, and I look forward to bringing ...

By: Larime
Kevin: I'm really glad you like it! Episode two comes out soon! Patrick: I just got new recording equipment today and have been holding off recording episode two until I did. With the new equipment, the quality will be much higher now. I was using an ancient computer and a ...

By: Ed
I NEED MORE !!!! Like 5 years come on Larimer get to typin'. I'm itching and scratching an need a Hellwatch fix. Hook a brotha up. Love the story an characters been a along time since wanting more. Its like the first time I heard Sigler, Rossi or Hutchins. Please ...
Where's The Rest?

I was thoroughly enjoying this book whilst going about my working day but it ended all too quickly. Now to see if there is a second Hellwatch. If not please hurry up with the next book/instalments.
not for me

Very slow to get going and even then it barely begins! The dialogue is frankly hard to swallow and the delivery by the author doesn’t really help. It’s not that he is a bad narrator, but his delivery method would be better for something much more lighthearted than a book about Demons. Thankfully this first part of the book was only short, otherwise I would have just cancelled it all together! I certainly won’t be listening to the next episode.

By: Larime
Barry b: I appreciate that, and unfortunately this is more of a rough draft of the final book. After recording this, I went out and got an editor - the best decision I've made in this whole process - and ebook, which you can get for free at my website ...

By: Patrick Scaffido
What grabbed my attention was the length- I'd been considering trying something similar. There were a number of things I particularly enjoyed on this story: the ethnic background of many of the main characters is a nice change of pace and appropriate to the setting. The heroine's disability and methods ...