Kissyman and The Gentleman

Read by Scott Sigler

(4.4 stars; 418 reviews)

New York City, 1946. No one knows his real name, but when the job is too dirty, too dangerous, you call Kissyman. Once he was an elite Nazi SS commando, an honorable soldier, a taker of lives. When he was assigned to Dachau and saw what he was actual fighting for, he went AWOL and ran as far away as he could -- to America.

He still makes his living with a gun, but he no longer kills for his country. Now, he kills for cash.

A dashing, high-profile bodyguard known as “The Gentleman” is hired to protect Beth Copenhaver, an up-and-coming Hollywood starlet. When a man named Mathis Wren surfaces from Beth’s past and threatens her life, The Gentleman hires Kissyman to make Mathis see the error of his ways.

It should be a simple job, but there is far more to the connection between Wren and Beth than the bombshell lets on. She’s starring in a new movie with John Wayne called Western Dawn. As the premier approaches, Kissyman has to get to Wren before Wren can get to Beth.

KISSYMAN AND THE GENTLEMAN is two-fisted, nonstop noir action that draws you deep into the murderous world of this most unlikely hero.

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KaTG 01 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 02 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 03 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 04 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 05 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 06 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 07 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 08 Read by Scott Sigler
KaTG 09 Read by Scott Sigler


Pretty good, definitely original.

(3.5 stars)

The story was pretty good but just didn't excite me like some of Scott Sigler's stories. The audio was a bit off in the first couple of episodes, not too bad though. The reading was done well. Others may like this more than I, everyone has different tastes after all . It's worth a try by all means.

(0 stars)

"I like to keep spare change for every occasion." Hah, it just started and that line already has me chuckling. I'm betting another winner by Sigler. Its so nice to find a story I want to listen to while working.

Great thrill

(5 stars)

I really liked this book, the story was entertaining and rich, never failed to keep me entertained. As for the characters I got to say I really came to like Kissyman and love to hear more about him one day. The reader did a great job giving life and personality to each character, never any trouble to know who said what and why. A great cook that I highly recommend if you like a thrilling story...and don't mind violence. Mr Kissyman ain't afraid to get down and dirty to produce results.


(4 stars)

There's. one line at the end that knocks a star off for me. Siggy says that Lefty hands Kissyman a box of dog treats in his left hand and three boxes of Twinkies in his right. This would be fine, if Lefty had a right hand, or arm for that matter. Almost got me Sig, still enjoyable though.

(5 stars)

As all ways scott dosent disappoint. This story is not my usual cup of tea but it was still a lot of fun. kissyman is strange as all hell. The story was enguaging and entertaining. Scott if one of my favorit writers his story reguardless of what it's about pulls me into those world's.

Best by far

(3 stars)

This is gr8. Xcellent characters, dialogue, situational suspense & just enough humor to make even this girl giggle. The production was professional, the promotion, not over the top, all in all the most satisfying of this Author's submissions to date. Well done, Mr. Sigler, very well done.

Good & Original

(5 stars)

This book was very good. I felt the world was familiar to other mafia worlds but the character were original especially Kissyman. The familiar mafia vien contrasted nicely with the orginality of the characters. Overall a very enjoyable and entertaining experience.


(4.5 stars)

great book as usual! one error! in episode 9 you said the lefty had items in both hands a box if twinkies and a box of dog treats. lefty only has one arm though! other than that it was thoroughly enjoyed!