The Gearheart
Alex White
Read by Alex White

Jonathan Andrews, Initiate in the Seekers of the Arcane Unknown, joined the society two years ago with the hopes of protecting the secrets of magic from the greedy world beyond. However, a ravening shadow appears with a hunger for Seekers and Jonathan finds himself out of his depth. When Jonathan's friend is attacked and the young initiate is assailed with apocalyptic visions of the future, he must find a way to uncover the past and stop the beast before it tears his group, and the world, asunder. It's a ripping tale of magic, adventure and gunfights!
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The Gearheart 01 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 02 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 03 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 04 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 05 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 06 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 07 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 08 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 09 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 10 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 11 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 12 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 13 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 14 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 15 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 16 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 17 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 18 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 19 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 20 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 21 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 22 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 23 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 24 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 25 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 26 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 27 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 28 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 29 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 30 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 31 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 32 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 33 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 34 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 35 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 36 | Read by Alex White | |
The Gearheart 37 | Read by Alex White |

A LibriVox Listener
The Gearheart from start to finish was an enjoyable experience that you would not get out of most books on the market. The author truly keeps you engaged with every character seeming different and unique. The main selling point is his own cartoonish style advertisements at the end of every chapter it kept me hooked and was it an enjoyable segue into the next chapter. I would definitely recommend to anyone who needs an enjoyable pause in their everyday life. need more stars

By: WGR2055
I'm more than 2/3 of the way through this rollicking steampunk-ish thriller. Enjoying it a lot. Over-the-top suspense, intrigue, fantasy adventure, read with a straight face. The setting and character development are good but perhaps spread out a little too thin. Story can be a strain on credulity. It adds ...

By: Ricecracker
I really was not expecting to get hooked on this, but The Gearheart has some of the most entertaining and original characters I've heard/read in a long time! Already recommended to my friends, and now to anyone else that likes sci-fi or steam punk or fantasy, I will miss this ...

By: Paul Ellis
I stumbled across this novel by happy accident. It was a joy to listen to. Alex has created a rich world with relatable characters and a deep back story that serves to flavor, rather than overwhelm his tale: secret organization recruits callow youth to save world. Along the way he ...

By: Beth
The way I do it is, I find a bunch of podiobooks that sound interesting, then download Chapter 1 of each of them. I listen to them all, then whichever one catches my attention the most is the one I will listen to next. From the opening strains of the ...

By: schlafmaus
I have come to podiobooks late and the first ever production I listened to was this "Gearheart" story, because I rather like the concept of steampunk. Now, there is hesistancy to listen to any other story if what the commenters before me say, is true. Almost everything has been said ...

By: Mark B Baker
This is a terrific story that is very well written and read. The only change I would make is to lower the volume of all the music especially the music that is going on top of the dialogue. Some of it is difficult to hear. Besides that, absolutely recommended.
Glad to find it's still out there!

I listened to this years ago when I was attending tech school. The story held me so much that I had a hard time leaving the school and ended up getting my homework done just to listen to more of it.