
Read by Casey S Townsend

(4.7 stars; 496 reviews)

The world you know has changed. Science has been replaced by dark, supernatural forces and those that know how have harnessed them to control the world. You no longer have the right to believe what you want. You do not have the right to choose the kind of life you will live. But you have a choice: you can surrender and live in fear, or you can join the resistance.

As part of Red Horizon, a quickly-growing resistance movement, Gibson Craig has devoted his life to opposing these dictators. But he is not the only one. There are numerous rebel factions hidden underground, as much at war with each other as they are with the government, but in the struggle for freedom, they must unite or be crushed. As they move closer, events spin into motion the most epic of battles the United States, and the world, has ever seen.

“ETERNITY”, by debut author, Casey S Townsend, is a fast-paced thriller filled with action, mystery, and romance and is the first in a four-part series of novels that blows apart the boundaries of belief. Welcome to Eternity.

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Eternity 01 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 02 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 03 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 04 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 05 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 06 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 07 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 08 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 09 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 10 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 11 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 12 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 13 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 14 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 15 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 16 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 17 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 18 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 19 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 20 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 21 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 22 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 23 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 24 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 25 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 26 Read by Casey S Townsend
Eternity 27 Read by Casey S Townsend


(0 stars)

Thanks so much for the kind words everyone! Book Two is undergoing editing and will be on podiobooks in June 2012! "Eternity" is written as a series of individual books that tell one big story. For any that are wondering, "Eternity" has a carefully crafted story arc and a very ...


(2.5 stars)

The author does a good job of narration and has obviously put a lot of time and effort into this rather long story. I can’t say that I ever really got into the story although there are some interesting concepts in there. I am not going to listen to the next in the series, which kind of demonstrates that the story didn’t work for me. You may enjoy it though and so why not give it a try.

exciting plot, great characters but its not really worth it..

(2.5 stars)

this us the first instalment of a series of books, and this one ends with a lot of unanswered questions. .. the second book (i learned after doing a bit of research) can be purchased in paperback form easily enough but that kinda negates the reasons i like audio books! i dont have time to read a book

Freaking Great!

(5 stars)

Listening to this story was like watching a summer block buster action movie! Absolutely looking forward to the next book in the series. I tend to be a tougher rater than most, but I feel is my responsibility to be honest, if for no other reason then to be constructive to the author's piece. This story earned it!

Sam from Charlotte

(5 stars)

I have listened to many books and pod cast and have left few comments. I must comment on this book and how well it was written and read. I just hate there isn't another book following this story. Great job. A thank you for not totally destroying my home town of Charlotte.

(0 stars)

I know in the description I saw that this is the first book in a four part series. But can anyone tell me if this first book actually has an ending? Both Cynikat and Mike say they can't wait for part two. On that often means the author didn't ...

(5 stars)

its good...its got everything from demon bats and future wepons to evil douchey guys (think any baldwin in any bad movie) and spy stuff. GREAT book . This book helped me not be such a loser and i lost my virginty to it 4 times so far.....

Need to read the sequel!

(4.5 stars)

Man so so good! I listened to it and was instantly hooked. Scary, suspenseful and fast pace, it as if I am one of the characters in the book and I am in the experiences with them. Thank you Casey!