Vatican Assassin
Mike Luoma
Read by Mike Luoma

Bernard Campion, aka "BC", is an assassin for the Pope, struggling with his work's inherent contradictions while trying to take care of “business” during an out of control interplanetary religious war in 2109. BC is a killer disguised as a priest of the New catholic Church. His current assignment? Eliminate the Governor of Lunar Prime, the free state on the Moon. BC has no idea this latest assignment will change everything...
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this is the first book I have commented on but I just had to say I really enjoyed it. it was abit of a cheesy futuristic book my favourite but with refreshing twist that there were no aliens involved considering it was mostly set in space but I'm sure they will appear in one of the soon now on to the the next one here's hoping its just as good with more refreshing twists plus thanks to mike luoma for being a good narrator with various different accents that bring to characters to life and cool background noises

By: Graham Pollard
Mike, Sorry just my honest opinion. I try to rate and comment on all books I listen to on Podiobooks. Some I like, some I love and others I don't. Yours was of the latter.
concerned reader

A LibriVox Listener
great plot awesome storyline. but the constant switch between first and third person narrative is not only confusing and hardware to follow, but in general is annoying. has the potential of being incredible but there are times when the reader rattles through sentences that it is completely incomprehensible. after you get used to this rapid fire reading, you experience shell shock from the abrupt change to slow and often time jittery audio

By: Mike L
BC's son Alibi Jones is back – this time in a new comic book! Earthbound Comics has just released the new anthology “Spacebound” – and my story “Alibi Jones: Blind Eye” – with spectacular art by Meisha – opens the book. The story is set BEFORE the events in the ...

By: Mike Luoma
In Vatican Assassin related news... My comic book short “Alibi Jones: Blind Eye” is now an audiobook short story! I’ve adapted the script from the comic as an audio short, and it’s free to listen to as part of my new Glow-in-the-Dark Radio Podcast: It’s 2135 – Alibi is ...

By: Mike Luoma
You may have noticed the spiffy new cover on my novel ALIBI JONES - beautiful new artwork by Federico Guillen. With this lovely new cover and a second edition, the first edition copies of ALIBI JONES are now-rare collector's items... and I'm giving my last two away! You can win ...

By: Mike Luoma
Greetings - Mike here - this past summer, as I was gearing up to release my new ALIBI JONES book, I had a period on the Glow-in-the-Dark Radio podcast without any new material, and so embarked on a re-podcast of Vatican Assassin and Vatican Ambassador. Being a bit of a ...

By: Joe Public
Vatican Assassin Vatican Ambassador Vatican Abdicator Do yourself a favor and listen to these as one book … each part is well written, but taken alone and anyone would feel incomplete and missing of a full story. For me, this was compounded by the shortness of each episode … but ...