Letter from China
Peter James Froning
Read by Peter James Froning

This is a poignant and irreverent diary of the author's yearlong (2001-2) experience of teaching English to college students in Beijing, People's Republic of China. From the very first pages, the author draws you into his struggle with a culture worlds away from his comfort zone. The author's generous and compelling personality allowed him to gain access to the lives of his students and their families, who became characters in his tale. One can experience the author's wit and humanity throughout the narrative.
The author's humorous view of China is especially timely and dovetails with the current explosion of interest in that country as it enters the modern world. The book is neither a travelogue nor a look at the government, although elements of those subjects are woven into the story. Instead, it is an engaging look at China, tailored toward those who know little about it. Still, those who have lived and/or traveled there will also enjoy the book as it reminds them of the absurdities they, too, experienced.
This book comes from Scribl.com. Visit Scribl to support the author or learn how to self-publish your own audiobook.
Installment 1 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 2 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 3 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 4 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 5 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 6 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 7 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 8 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 9 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 10 | Read by Peter James Froning | |
Installment 11 | Read by Peter James Froning |

By: Kris M.
I downloaded this podiobook a few months back as a major gathering of podiobooks to listen to. This morning I started listening to this one and was very surprised at the quality of the letters. I am an International Studies major and last semester I took a class on China ...

By: Lillie
I listen to audiobooks to help me sleep but this one I stayed awake to hear cover to cover. What a wonderful gift this story is to help us accept a people we do not know and hear of a country often portrayed as one to fear. Thank you for ...

By: Hila
I listen to the book and sometimes to the same chapter again and again. I like the way Peter describes China with much wit and humor. Suddenly I got to the chapter where I understood that he passed away and it made me very sad as if a very good ...

By: JC Moore
This book is a treasure. Beautifully written, in simple straight-forward, from the heart style. At first, a story of a middle-aged adventure in a strange land, it took an utterly expected turn at the end, leaving me in grief for Peter's students and their touching letters to his mom. What ...

By: Tom Fearon
I have listened and re-listened to Peter's story multiple times. As a journalist in China, I was fascinated and amused by his observation of daily life and moved by his devotion to his students. I was fortunate enough to speak to Mary on the 10th anniversary of Peter's passing to ...

By: Joe
I met Peter at my 1st job in 1981. We quickly became friends and I coached LL baseball with him in Wilminton and he came to my wedding. Over the years we lost touch and I heard of his passing from a mutual friend a year or so ago. When ...

By: Abbie White
These are fun and humorous stories that bring back many fond memories of my 2011 ten day trip to China. I work with Chinese students and feel I can relate to them better now. This book is well written and the narrator is a great reader. I recommend this audio ...

By: Bob Common
I downloaded this podcast a number of years ago and have listened to it numerous times. His insight, humor and giving of himself to his students is wonderful. His students were so lucky to have a wonderful teacher such as Peter and their reactions to his untimely death brought tears ...