Sir Francis Drake

Read by Pamela Nagami

(4.8 stars; 22 reviews)

In this short book, the British Naval historian, Julian Stafford Corbett, chronicles the adventurous career of Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596), the farmer's son who became Queen Elizabeth's most feared privateer and her most daring and resourceful naval officer. In his quest for the gold and silver of Spanish Peru, he rounded Cape Horn, losing men and ships in that "enchanted void, where wind and water, ice and darkness, seemed to make incessant war." After capturing the treasure ship from the astonished Spaniards, he circumnavigated the globe. As King Philip of Spain amassed his Armada, Drake demonstrated how a naval power, attacking shipping in port and at sea, could cripple the enemy's credit and commerce. Corbett writes of Drake that at "its fullest flood he stemmed the tide of Spanish Empire. It was no less a thing than that." (Pamela Nagami) (6 hr 21 min)


Ch. 1: The Reformation Man, Pt. 1 14:16 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 1: The Reformation Man, Pt. 2 12:13 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 2: The Spanish Main, Pt. 1 12:12 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 2: The Spanish Main, Pt. 2 16:59 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 3: The Mule Trains, Pt. 1 12:28 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 3: The Mule Trains, Pt. 2 15:03 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 4: Gloriana and her Knights, Pt. 1 14:25 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 4: Gloriana and her Knights, Pt. 2 12:32 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 5: An Ocean Tragedy, Pt. 1 11:26 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 5: An Ocean Tragedy, Pt. 2 15:15 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 6: Waking the South Sea 21:45 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 7: The Great Mistake 17:06 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 8: The Dragon Loosed, Pt. 1 12:37 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 8: The Dragon Loosed, Pt. 2 12:32 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 9: Singeing the King of Spain's Beard, Pt. 1 18:29 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 9: Singeing the King of Spain's Beard, Pt. 2 14:43 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 10: In Quest of the Spanish Armada, Pt. 1 15:15 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 10: In Quest of the Spanish Armada, Pt. 2 16:47 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 11: The Battle of Gravelines, Pt. 1 18:01 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 11: The Battle of Gravelines, Pt. 2 15:58 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 11: The Battle of Gravelines, Pt. 3 10:51 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 12: Drake's Armada, Pt. 1 14:05 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 12: Drake's Armada, Pt. 2 17:07 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 13: The Last Treasure Hunt, Pt. 1 11:02 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 13: The Last Treasure Hunt, Pt. 2 12:46 Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 13: The Last Treasure Hunt, Pt. 3 15:44 Read by Pamela Nagami


interesting, great read

(4 stars)

Although written from a 1890's pro imperial England viewpoint, it provides a unique behind the scenes look at Elizabethan intrigue. It provides an interesting look at Drake and, if one listens carefully, a view of the hatred and mistrust between countries during this time period. I absolutely loved the reader and am adding Pam Nagami to my preferred reader list.

Conrad Fan

(5 stars)

The book is superb combination of a well told and researched biography and a thoughtful description of how Drake was both influenced by the political era in which he lived and how Drake in turn came to have his own significant influence on the political era. Thanks also for the wonderful and prolific reader!


(5 stars)

Corbett writes excellent history with the skill of a novelist. The truth of the biography is that Elizabeth. great as she was, succeeded only because she was surrounded by many able men, Drake being among the ablest. Nagami, as always, is a treasure.

Sea King,pirate,explorer, Hero of England,Enemy of Spain

(5 stars)

Amazing life of my DNA ancestor.

The greatest seaman before Nelson

(5 stars)

Superb narration by Nagami!