Historical Newspaper Articles, Volume 2
Read by Lee Ann Howlett

This collection of 20 public domain newspaper articles comprises volume 2 of Historic Newspaper Articles in the LibriVox collection. Both U.S. and U.K. newspapers are represented here. The articles span from 1848 to 1920. Topics covered (e.g., the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Fire, the troubles of ‘Typhoid Mary’, how to dress for the seashore) vary in length and tone. Although the writers display a range of diverse styles, their words give today's readers a sense of the tenor of the times. (summary by Lee Ann Howlett) (2 hr 53 min)

These are read by Lee Ann Howlett who is one of Librivox's greatest readers and way better than most pros. Some of these articles - in volume 1 and 2 - are very memorable, particularly the heartrending NY Times news story - so much more literately written than modern news stories - about the horrible Triangle shirt waist factory fire. I also found the news story about the opening of the Dakota House in Manhattan very interesting, and the Jack the Ripper news items, and some others too.
Extra, extra! Motoring will replace reading, author warns!

this serious discussion is from track 16. Interesting and informative. For a really different evening, why not listen to the news right here tonight? There's been another murder in Whitechapel... Thank you volunteers, for another LibriVOX home run! p.s. Where Is volume 1 please?