Parochial and Plain Sermons, Volume 1
John Henry Newman
Read by Russ Hobbs

John Henry Newman's sermons enter the human heart easily and with transformative power. Lucid thinking, beautiful English prose, an integrated theology, insightful spiritual psychology, and a meditative biblical focus combine to make his sermons live even though many of them were written and preached almost 200 years ago. A convert to Roman Catholicism from the Anglican Church, Newman was made a Cardinal and had a wide influence on Catholic thought. More recently, his spiritual depth and personal holiness have been recognized, and in 2020 he was canonized becoming Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman. - Summary by Russell Hobbs (0 hr 29 min)

I am filled with gratitude to have found these sermons. What a treasure! The reading is so clear, so well done. Please do more!

Peter Carvill
Beautifully read. One feels one could be listening to Newman himself. Mighty sermons!