Seven Roads to Hell
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

No one goes to hell by committing sin in the abstract, sin in general. Our character traits, talents and dispositions,
our experiences — everything about us points out to us a particular road to hell — one of the seven that are called the
capital sins. For us, this or that particular one is the fastest and easiest because of who we are, what we are, where we
find ourselves. And the road sign will read either pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy or sloth.
The seven capital sins are called capital because they are the sins of primary importance and inevitably spawn a whole
litter of other sins. Pride leads to boasting, ostentation, hypocrisy; envy is followed by hatred, discord, a restless quest
for riches and honors, and constant turmoil of soul. The slothful man is idle, aimless, neglects his spiritual duties and
the obligations of his state in life. And so on for the other capital sins. They all lead to other sins. They’re all roads
to hell. Most important, we must find out whether we’re traveling one of these roads. (From the Introduction)
(0 hr 50 min)
Introduction | 4:45 | Read by BettyB |
Anger | 5:38 | Read by Tatiana Chichilla |
Covetousness | 6:46 | Read by Jenn Broda |
Envy | 6:30 | Read by Owlivia |
Gluttony | 7:17 | Read by mleigh |
Lust | 5:35 | Read by Tatiana Chichilla |
Pride | 6:13 | Read by Ann Boulais |
Sloth | 7:47 | Read by KevinS |