Her Associate Members
Read by TriciaG

This continues the story started in Chrissy's Endeavor. Chrissy is now married. Her husband is weak after a severe illness, so they have gone to Florida for his recuperation. Will Chrissy be able to continue her work as a Christian Endeavorer with other active members, or will this be a year in which she sits on her hands, with nothing to do for the Kingdom? - Summary by TriciaG (9 hr 23 min)

A LibriVox Listener
Thank you Tricia G for all the recordings you have made. I look forward to each new title and scour the new releases hoping to find one from you!
Her Associate Members

As usual, Pansy ties a person’s conversion too closely to his marriage. For my part, I think a person should take some time to grow stable in his Christian walk before he pursues marriage. In fact, I think Pansy would’ve done better to leave marriage out of many of her books. Her Christian standards are high and good and right, but the subtle suggestions of a match in the making often detracts from those values.

I really enjoyed this-except for one thing. It lacked a strong salvation message. The book focuses on young people who learn what it means to “walk the Christian life”. However they seem to go from unsaved, to “working for Christ” without accepting Christ in between. It’s hard because I know Pansy probably didn’t mean for this. However, without a true gospel message, this tale came across as a very “works based” religion story .
Pansy as usual

Wendy Mathieu
This is the follow up to Chrissy's Endeavor. Tricia G does such a great job narrating these books.