Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
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The Scientific American may be the oldest continuously published periodical in the United States, having launched its first publication in 1845. It has been a mainstay of popular science with in-depth articles across a broad spectrum of scientific fields. In this supplement are short articles ranging through such topics as The Temperature of the Solar Surface, Dr. Koch on the Cholera, The Cay Monument at Uxmal, and a long article on Modern Locomotive Practice, and one on Malaria. - Summary by Larry Wilson (5 hr 35 min)
These old magazines show just far we have come.

The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe
Today 'Scientific American'. is world leader in in depth discussions of religiously reviewed articles about anthropogenic global climate change, gender dynamics, and critical reviews of how math and science disproportionately harm nonbinary BIPOCs. It tells the populace what to think. Great Stuff. You have to trust the science. But back in the 1880s, this publication was publishing a bunch of science stuff involving numbers and concepts that did not revolve around fighting the disproportionate influence white nerds have on society. It is great to see we have advanced so far.