Ten Days in a Madhouse
Nellie Bly
Read by Alys AtteWater

In 1887 Nellie Bly, one of the first female newspaper writers, and a young reporter who would soon go on to make a career for herself as an investigative journalist and “stunt” reporter, had herself committed to the Blackwell’s Island Insane Asylum in New York. Her purpose was to discover what life was like for those who had been deemed insane. She was surprised to discover the depth of mistreatment of the patients. Partially as a result of her reporting, more money was allocated to the asylum and reforms were put into place. (Summary by Alice) (2 hr 41 min)
Chapters 01 and 02 | 8:45 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Chapter 03 | 19:09 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Chapters 04 and 05 | 19:31 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Chapters 06 and 07 | 27:15 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Chapters 08, 09, and 10 | 17:06 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Chapters 11 and 12 | 27:24 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Chapters 13 and 14 | 23:50 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Chapters 15, 16, and 17 | 18:47 | Read by Alys AtteWater |
Very interesting story

This was an interesting story and the narration was very good. The reader made me truly believe she was Nelly Blye herself. Well done.

the reader is excellent. the story shows an aweful side to the history of mental illness.
good insight

A LibriVox Listener
A good first person view of how mental illness used to be handled.
FNH Appraisal

Official Blurb In 1887 Nellie Bly, one of the first female newspaper writers, and a young reporter who would soon go on to make a career for herself as an investigative journalist and “stunt” reporter, had herself committed to the Blackwell’s Island Insane Asylum in New York. Her purpose was to discover what life was like for those who had been deemed insane. She was surprised to discover the depth of mistreatement of the patients. Partially as a result of her reporting, more money was allocated to the asylum and reforms were put into place. My Review As the blurb has told you, this is not fiction. It is presented as an extended essay ( book length ). The style in which it is written is captivating and the expose side of it makes it more alluring to the ear. The discoveries made by Nellie are staggering and horrorific. Hard to believe that we were so ignorant in the past, but here is the truth its distasteful harsh glare. The reader, a young lady herself, seems perfect for the reading. She comes over as a forceful and determined lady and fits the character of Nellie perfectly. Reading = 3/3 Production = 2/3 Story = 2/3 more of my review can be found at http://freeaudioreview.blogspot.com/
Shocking true story by the amazing and intrepid Nellie Bly!

Shocking true story by the amazing and intrepid Nellie Bly! In 1887 she feigned insanity and was placed first in Belleview hospital and then in the insane asylum on Blackwell's Island in New York City. Her expose of the brutal treatment of the inmates was published in the NY Daily World and led to reforms. The following year, 1888, she made an around the world journey in imitation of Jules Verne's Around The World In 80 Days, and she published this in a book called *Around the World in Seventy-Two Days* (of which an excellent reading is here on Librivox). Nellie Bly (t/n Elizabeth Jane Cochrane)was an extraordinary person, and beautiful too. More about her here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellie_Bly The reader of this book is also terrific, Alys AtteWater - and why are some of the very best readers shy about giving their names!?

A LibriVox Listener
Listening to Nellie Bly"s story, as read by A. Attewater, was fascinating. it is appalling to think of the state of medicine at that time. Medicine and the law has come a long way since that time. Alys' reading was very well done, with good pronunciation and excellent inflection and animation. A good read for anyone interested in historic autobiographical texts. Nellie Bly was a brave women at a time when women were treated like possessions and made her mark in the male dominated field of newspaper reporting, an unusual choice for a woman.

A LibriVox Listener
This was my first experience listening to an audio book. The reader was great, very enchanting and I liked her voices for the different characters. I enjoyed the book, amazing story. The author was very brave to commit to such an assignment especially in those days! I’m looking forward to listening to another one of Nellie bly’s books.
informative and entertaining

Very interesting read, good first hand historical literature about institutions for the insane. The reader was professional, and convincing, of a very good quality. I would recommend this audio selection to anyone who is interested in how early asylums were conducted, or just to anyone who would like a short read of interest.