The Light of Egypt Volume II
Thomas H. Burgoyne
Read by Jill Preston

"The Light of Egypt" will be found to be an Occult library in itself, a textbook of esoteric knowledge, setting forth the "wisdom Religion" of life, as taught by the Adepts of Hermetic Philosophy. It will richly repay all who are seeking the higher life to carefully study this book, as it contains in a nutshell the wisdom of the ages regarding man and his destiny, here and hereafter. The London and American first edition, also the French edition, Vol. I, met with lively criticism from Blavatsky Theosophists, because it annihilates that agreeable delusion of "Karma" and "Reincarnation" from the minds of all lovers of truth for truth's sake.
"The Tablets of Aeth" is a great and mighty work, as it contains the very quintessence of Occult and Hermetic philosophy, as revealed by spiritual law. "Penetralia" is a new revelation, and invaluable to Occult students, as it is the personal experience of a developed soul. (Summary taken from the Publishers Preface) (6 hr 8 min)
Preface | 9:32 | Read by Jill Preston |
Introduction | 16:49 | Read by Jill Preston |
The Zodiac | 13:07 | Read by Jill Preston |
The Constellations | 47:35 | Read by Jill Preston |
The Spiritual Interpretation of the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac | 17:27 | Read by Jill Preston |
Astro-Theology | 20:10 | Read by Jill Preston |
Astro - Mythology | 17:17 | Read by Jill Preston |
Symbolisim | 19:36 | Read by Jill Preston |
Alchemy - Part I (organic) | 32:11 | Read by Jill Preston |
Alchemy - Part II (occult) | 29:13 | Read by Jill Preston |
Talismans | 20:41 | Read by Jill Preston |
Ceremonial Magic | 19:17 | Read by Jill Preston |
Magic Wands | 19:40 | Read by Jill Preston |
The Tablets of Aeth in three parts | 54:36 | Read by Jill Preston |
Penetralia | 31:10 | Read by Jill Preston |
Great book horrible reader

Cleve James
The text is wonderful and full of little hidden gems. The reader is turrible... Yes turrible not terrible...turrible. She mispronounces so many common occult words it's hard to enjoy and her style is entirely robotic. How do you pronounce talis-man as tails-man? Or sacerdotal as saucer-dotal? Reader should stick to reading kids books or get a dictionary, way too many words mispronounced on this version.

It seems like this book would be great except that the speaker does a very weird job of reading. Almost intentionally speaking like a robot. Really distracting and hard to listen to
no thanks

The reader is almost unbearable to listen to!Interesting book, but I'll just look for it on Youtube instead.
Great Content, Shitty fucking Narration

I would give it 5 stars for content
Only listen all the way through because I liked the text but this woman had me swearing like I had turrets the entire time. She went from reading one word at a time to talking like a robot then just as you think she smartened the fuck up cuz she started reading like a regular human she soon after started putting emphasis on the wrong words in the sentence and then the cycle started over. At the end of every chapter when you have to hear her proudly say her name I would nearly shout you can go fuck your self you daft kunt. Can only people interested in a subject read it please

A LibriVox Listener
j j j j j j j j j j j j j j of jojoba
Holy cow and more books like this

A LibriVox Listener

Ooohhhh please! Does anyone at LibriVox ever checks the readings? Just because reading is voluntary it does not mean we have to endure such punishment on books that should be accessed and listened to by so many, but are obviously being discarded because of appalling readers. Please don’t take personally, but maybe you need another hobby! How about voicing over robots?!
Tourettes, not turrets!!

to criticize the reader for mispronounced words, and bad phrasing, then say you're swearing like you have turrets? Really, wow... pot, kettle anyone?? it's a free service, feel free to volunteer and wow us with YOUR reading of the subject matter