Catholic and Anti-Catholic History

Read by Janet Baker

(4.6 stars; 60 reviews)

G.K. Chesterton and James Walsh join Hilaire Belloc in an energetic rollout of the means by which history becomes propaganda, to the damage, not only to truth, but to the human soul. (Summary by Jan Baker) (0 hr 42 min)


Catholic Truth in History, by Hilaire Belloc 12:44 Read by Janet Baker
Anti-Catholic History, by G.K. Chesterton 6:25 Read by Janet Baker
Twenty Historical "Don'ts," by James J. Walsh 8:27 Read by Janet Baker
Second-Hand History, by James J. Walsh 14:32 Read by Janet Baker


Anti-catholic history still exists in the minds of men, sad!

(5 stars)

(4 stars)

For those familiar with Belloc and Chesterton, they will enjoy their two contributions. Insightful to be sure, but unapologetic. The second two chapters (by other writers) are less potent and rather simply reinforce in their own way that which was already stated more clearly by the "Chesterbelloc" as their detractors at the time named them.

Four short essays, well read

(3.5 stars)

Four short theological essays, well read. Not much new to GK Chesterton readers, and not great as intro to the subject, as all essays assume some baseline knowledge on readers part. Not sure who target audience is.

Enjoyed the essays

(5 stars)

Interesting opinions in the four essays. Somewhat mystified by the notion that the middle ages were far from dark, in a sense superior to our own. The reader's voice is beautiful.

(5 stars)

In the slightly modified words of Treebeard, "The filth of modernism is washing away."

good book well read

(5 stars)

good book well read, pretty short

excellent presentation of a fantastic book

(4.5 stars)

second to none