The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories (version 2)

Read by John Greenman

(4.5 stars; 93 reviews)

The Mysterious Stranger-A Romance- is the final novel attempted by Mark Twain. It was worked on periodically from roughly 1890 up until 1910. The body of work is a serious social commentary by Twain addressing his ideas of the Moral Sense and the "damned human race". (Wikipedia and John Greenman) (3 hr 46 min)


Chapter I 8:40 Read by John Greenman
Chapter II 16:52 Read by John Greenman
Chapter III 21:00 Read by John Greenman
Chapter IV 5:31 Read by John Greenman
Chapter V 25:32 Read by John Greenman
Chapter VI 25:26 Read by John Greenman
Chapter VII 37:34 Read by John Greenman
Chapter VIII 40:46 Read by John Greenman
Chapter IX 10:52 Read by John Greenman
Chapter X 26:55 Read by John Greenman
Chapter XI 7:14 Read by John Greenman


didnt like it

(1 stars)

i was very supprised at this book. i thought it would go someplace it didnt. if this was Twains veiw of humanity then it was a sad kne. flawed we are we still are. i am curious to the reason it was never finished and if the editor finished the ending. it seemed to be going in another direction.

(5 stars)

"... as he disappeared I knew it was true. We were all merely a thought & a dream." But if the boy could have witnessed the stranger's smirk, he would have known, "I have again succeeded in sowing despair that will grow into a tree of self-serving resentments! " For additional reading on the established methods of this stranger see C.S. Lewis' book "Screwtape Letters". The reader was excellent.

Intriguing Mark Twain story

(5 stars)

This unfinished novel, the story of a bad angel and how it enters the lives of a group of Austrian villagers offers an intriguing insight into Mark Twain's philosophical ideas. It raises thought provoking questions into the nature of fate, good and evil, and humanity itself. Well read and well worth one or more listens.

Everything he had said was true.

(3.5 stars)

fascinating story, despite being unfinished; notably uneven in story beats and pacing, but still, quite interesting; beautifully nihilistic ending too; Twain rocks

The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories (version 2)

(5 stars)

Well Read, Fun listen and recommended... Thanks!

very good reading

(4.5 stars)

A marvelous story full of subtle anachronisms, very well read

Wonderful narration

(5 stars)

A wonderful narration of this fascinating work. Thank you!


(4.5 stars)

love this book and John greenman is the best TBE!!!!!!!