The Path of Light - The Bodhi-Charyavatara of Santi-Deva
Read by Eric Metzler

Shantideva is particularly renowned as the author of the Bodhicaryavatara (sometimes also called the Bodhisattvacaryavatara). An English translation of the Sanskrit version of the Bodhicaryavatara is available online, as well as in print in a variety of translations, sometimes glossed as "A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way Of Life" or "Entering the Path of Enlightenment." It is a long poem describing the process of enlightenment from the first thought to full buddhahood and is still studied by Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhists today.
It has ten chapters dedicated to the development of bodhicitta (the mind of enlightenment) through the practice of the six perfections (Skt. Pāramitās). The text begins with a chapter describing the benefits of the wish to reach enlightenment. The sixth chapter on the Pāramitā of patience (Skt. Kṣānti, kshanti) is considered by many Buddhists to be the pinnacle of writing on this subject and is the source of numerous quotations attributed to Śāntideva. Tibetan scholars consider the ninth "Wisdom" chapter to be one of the most succinct expositions of the Madhyamaka view. The tenth chapter is used as one of the most popular Mahāyāna prayers. ( Wikipedia) (2 hr 34 min)
Title Page and Editorial note | 2:19 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Introduction, Part 1 | 16:36 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Introduction, Part 2 | 30:31 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 1, The Praise of the Thought of Enlightenment | 5:49 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 2, The Confession of Sin | 7:04 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 3, Taking the Thought of Enlightenment | 5:49 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 4, Heedfulness in the Thought of Enlightenment | 7:55 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 5, Watchfulness | 9:37 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 6, The Perfect Long-Suffering | 24:12 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 7, The Perfect Strength | 14:41 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 8, The Perfect Contemplation | 18:15 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Chapter 9, The Perfect Knowledge | 4:45 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Appendix (a translation of the Karikas) | 6:46 | Read by Eric Metzler |
Thank you

Beautiful reading of relevant text

Glen Rayner
Eric Metzler is an excellent reader! The brevity and succintness of Shantideva's teachings and wisdom are truly inspiring!
Great Reading

A LibriVox Listener
The reader is clear and articulate and the material is relevant and a good translation.
precious teaching. the reader is outstanding

Rozee VY
vgggggggggggggg ñw
succinct yet artful

Mike Weatherl
this great text also taught me about the word "concentrate", because it instead uses the word "concenter", i.e. con-center, i.e. "with-center", i.e. internalize

Decent. Not exactly great, and no indication if an authentic text. Narration basic, pacing somewhat slow.
As great as when I read the hard copy. in '79!

James Sutton
As great