Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 039
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Eighteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include literary figures--Alice Mangold Diehl, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Arthur Hugh Clough; philosophers--Hegel, Kierkegaard; religious thinkers--Martin Luther, Cotton Mather; political leaders--Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy; important documents--the Constitution of Japan (1946), the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom; moments in history--the Battle of the Crater, the Dred Scott Decision; historical figures--the Pseudo Dionysius and Xenophon; and, lastly, shopper's tips for watermelons and cantaloupes. (Summary by Sue Anderson)
Hegel's The Problem was translated by William T. Harris
Xenophon's On Horsemanship was translated by Morris H. Morgan (6 hr 0 min)
Address of Senator John F. Kennedy to the Greater Houston Ministerial Associati…
Read by Michele Fry

I find it hard to believe not a single review has ever been written for this book. I find it easy to believe that reviews are systematically deleted in an effort to prevent people from learning the truth. a contemporary historian could not possibly know more about the Civil War than the people who were actually in it. those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. unfortunately
Necessary listening

Those who do not study history are destined to repeat it... It's a good thing to study the history of a contentious event from the perspectives of those in the middle of it.