Douglas of the World

Political thriller from the mid-1950s with Jack Moyle in the lead.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
One Great Show -- Others OK
Alonzo Church

This is an interesting show, showing a roving reporter (with an eye for the ladies) covering stories showing a need to defend against the Communists, but propagandizing for (in one show) an early verion of the EU, and in other shows, the UN. The second show in the group, which is quite different in approach to the others, is outstanding.
Douglas of the World

The first episode 'Double Trouble'recorded in 1953 deals with problems facing to coming'United States of Europe'dealing with real people like the then French PM,and later the European President Robert Schumann,and references the UK's opposition to the plans, uncanny and accurate as this was done years before the Treaty Of Rome of 1957.
For more information

Digital Deli Too has an outstanding page with background about this series.