Nick Carter, Master Detective

Lon Clark starred as Nick Carter, Master Detective for 12 years (1943-55) over the Mutual Network. This set is vetted to eliminate the various errors in Carter sets on the Internet and is believed to contain all available episodes of Nick Carter.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
The "Nick" Of Time !
Jonnie King

One of the longest running Radio Detective's, "Nick Carter's" actual appearance in the late-1800's actually PRECEEDED "Sherlock Holmes" ! A time-frame many are unaware of. Lon Clark (also a bonafide Opera singer) was the perfect choice for "Nick" and played the role for its entire run. I have a number of Nick Carter Shows on my syndicated program "The Breakfast Serial". (See "THE BREAKFAST SERIAL" WebSite for Info & Fun: !) The amazing thing about the 12 year run of Nick Carter is that by the early-to-mid-'50s TV had taken, as much as I personally have always loved this Series, in retrospect it survived the "new era" of the Visual Medium of TV much longer than others did. Great plots, super casts, wonderful atmosphere...Nick Carter, Master Detective lives on through the magic of the preservation of OTR ! Long live Nick Carter !
Duplicate files
Rene Kita

Files #13, Records of Death, and #59, Eight Records of Death, are the same episode. And so are #48, Nick_Carter_450722_192_MakeBelieve_Murder.mp3, and #65, The Case of the Make-Believe Robbery. Otherwise great fun. I rather enjoy the implausibilities and pulpiness. Keep up the great work!
The serial format episodes

For most of the 1944 season the show now becomes serial format either four or five times a week with 30 mins episodes, except for one they seem not to exist any more, here's example of what I mean "BABIES FOR SALE PART 1" 54 04-17-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 2" 55 04-18-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 3" 56 04-19-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 4" 57 04-20-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 5" 58 04-21-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 6" 59 04-24-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 7" 60 04-25-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 8" 61 04-26-44 :29:30* *na* "BABIES FOR SALE PART 9" 62 04-27-44 :29:30*
Nick Carter -Sunday afternoon staple for Mutual

When I first heard Nick Carter, I was about five or six years old. My father was a news editor for a Mutual station in Concord, N.H., WKXL. So of course we were tuned to Mutual. Nick Carter came on around 4 p.m., followed by Martain Kane, Private Eye. Then the Shadow and True Detective Mysteries, followed by Roy Rogers. Mutual always had a sensational line up of shows, even on Sundays, when you would think there would be nothing but church music. I later met Lon Clark at a Cincinnati old time radio convention and got his autograph. He was sponsored by Old Dutch Cleanser.

I understood that the audience in homes had to be entertained during the wartime, but by gosh, this great detective got beat over the head so many times...and the use of guns, was so prolific... I was entertained and disappointed as well. The quality of some of the recordings was very poor and sometimes the time counter was still running and there was absolutely no audio for about several stories, and blank halfway through a series. I thought someone, would have tried to clean some of the recordings before putting them on here. But alas! I wish I knew how.
Best radio show I've ever heard! BUT--

I've been listening to these since last year, and I've been doing it religiously; Nick, Patsy, Scubby, I love it all! Well I'm nearing the end of the limited episodes (I'm in mid-1948), and was just wondering if there is-- or ever will be a release of the full 700. I mean, I'm guessing there's a possibility they were never recorded, but if that huge gap of episodes exists, they NEED to be released! Any more info on this would be helpful :)
plots may be OK for younger kids, weak for adults

This show was aimed at younger audiences, but even so, the writing is below par for the detective genre. The plots are marginal, the solutions simplistic and with frequent non-sequiters. The acting is good/competent, overall production is average. This show belongs on the 'B' list, maybe the 'C' list, but might be fun for small kids.
Lon Clark Excellent as "Nick Carter, Master Detective"

Lon Clark as Nick Carter was a weekly family listening treat on radio when I was a child and teenager. Each episode I now listen to has maintained the high quality acting and plots as I remember them. The supporting cast is very good. It is a real pleasure to again listen to "Nick Carter, Master Detective."