Ruby Wedding Collection
Gelesen von Ruth Golding

This collection comprises short stories, poems, a little bit of history and a little bit of ornithology, all with ruby connections. The reader greatly enjoyed searching out suitable gems for inclusion in this celebration of her own Ruby Wedding Anniversary. (7 hr 15 min)
lovely collection
Angie Kroeker

I enjoyed this collection so very much. Ruth Golding is the first reader I listened to on librivox and I was enchanted. I have listened to many of her readings and plan to listen to more. As an earlier commenter stated I could listen to her read the phone book. Bravo, on both an excellent collection and reading.

A wonderful collection, compiled and narrated by the fantastic Ruth Golding. She is one of the finest narrators on Librivox, and I could happily listen to her read the phone book!

Why were women fainting all the time back then…were their corsets laced too tight or were they severely anemic ( it seems they were all very pale or had white skin). Ms Ruth Golding is a top notch reader (a perfect pearl). I much enjoyed the compilation of Ruby themed offerings. Thank you LibriVox.
Real gems!

Enjoyable stories. I love the reader's voice. Thank you.
Deb DeJean

This is a simply wonderful collection of mysteries, romance, tales, and poems! I've listened to it in bits, when I only have a short time to listen, but have occasionally found the stories so enchanting, that I've just let it go on and on... What a lovely way to celebrate one's Ruby wedding anniversary! It's unfortunate it doesn't have a fetching cover picture, but it's well worth your listening pleasure. The reader is absolutely top notch, and one of my very favorite Librivox volunteers. Surely she's paid well for reading in other venues! Thank you VERY much to the collector of stories and the one who favored them with her talent!