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A Room of One’s Own

(4,853 Sterne; 95 Bewertungen)

This feminist essay argues for both a literal and figural space for women writers within a literary tradition dominated by patriarchy. First published on 24 October 1929, the extended essay was based on a series of lectures delivered by Virginia Woolf at Cambridge University in October 1928. While it employs a fictional narrator and narrative to explore women both as writers of and characters in fiction, the manuscript for the delivery of the series of lectures, titled “Women and Fiction”, and hence the essay, are non-fiction. [Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Cori Samuel.]

The original text of this recording is in the Public Domain in countries where copyright expires 70 years or less after the author’s death, but is still protected by copyright in the USA and some other countries. Please check the copyright law of your country before downloading.

This audiobook was produced by Legamus.

This book is part of the Legamus collection. It is public domain in the European Union, where it is hosted on Legamus' servers. It may not be legally accessed in the United States.


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Section 6



clear and interesting

(5 Sterne)

The reader is clear and consistent. I highly recommend this based on the quality alone. The writing is a fantastic demonstration of the perspective of women on their role in society and history at this period of time. Of course the conclusion the writer comes to may not hold today exactly, the idea that creativity needs space, support, and freedom most likely does.

beautifully read

(5 Sterne)

I can't say how long it would have been before I sat down to read this myself, maybe never, but from the first few seconds I knew I could listen to this narrator for hours.

interesting piece

(5 Sterne)

I like the writers frank and womanly voice. It is clear to me that she broke much ground with her ideas and way of putting them forward. I've already recommended this book to two of my closest woman friends and I recommend it to you too! I'm looking forward to exploring more of this writer and this readers work.

(5 Sterne)

The book is a call to action and a reminder that great art needs an incubator. Writers and all artists need support. I despair over book lovers who pride themselves in never buying a book! We must support writers! This recording is read with a gentle ferocity that is perfectly synchronized to the work itself. Virginia Woolf would have approved.

Top Notch Reading of Top Notch Text

(5 Sterne)

A Room of One's Own is absolutely fantastic. The argument of the narrator is compelling, interesting, and beautifully delivered. The reader does an absolutely fantastic job conveying the meaning of each line, and even manages to work in some of the more subtle wit intended by the author. Really quite excellent.


(4,5 Sterne)

The audio text has been read beautifully and impeccably.It is very clear and makes it a pleasure to listen to Virginia Wolfe’s ‘Room of one’s own’.


(5 Sterne)

Very good!! The reader really enlivens the text and makes it a lot easier to understand than it already is. Very well-paced and clear

Thought Provoking

(5 Sterne)

A great book that will mold your thoughts and opinions to the greatest extent