Hall of Mirrors: Tales of Horror and the Grotesque Volume 1
Gelesen von Mike Bennett
Mike Bennett

A second helping of podcast fiction from 'One Among the Sleepless' author, Mike Bennett. 'Hall of Mirrors' is a short story collection featuring tales of horror, the grotesque and people in... 'unusual' circumstances.
Delivered in a style that pays homage to Night Gallery, Alfred Hitchcock Presents and the old British horror anthology movies of the 1960s, this is a collection of modern gothic tales with a nail of dark humour hammered through its heart. So roll up, ladies and gentlemen, and enter the Hall of Mirrors – if you dare.
"This is the way horror audio should be done: Mike Bennett's podcast storytelling is an exceptionally generous free treat for the ears and the mind. Listen to the Hall of Mirrors, and you'll feel his dark and twisted imaginations fingering their way into your ear canals, his remarkable voice prying into your brain in the most creepiest and unforgettable of ways. Hall of Mirrors is a refreshingly fun experience, that's well worth downloading -- you'll love every strange and grotesque moment!"
-- Michael A. Arnzen, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Proverbs for Monsters
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Read by Mike Bennett
Read by Mike Bennett
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 04 - The Haslet Technique
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 05 - Hair and Skin: Part One
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 06 - Hair and Skin: Part Two
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 07 - Hair and Skin: Part Three
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 08 - Hair and Skin: Part Four
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 09 - A Lovely Pair of Browns
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 10 - Poacher's Cottage - Part 1
Read by Mike Bennett
HoM1 11 - Poacher's Cottage - Part 2
Read by Mike Bennett
By: teve

I really enjoyed Hall of Mirrors - Volume 1. The style of the intros reminded me of those old Hammer Horror films where they linked 4 or 5 stories with a device like someone reading tarot cards. The stories themselves were a balance between humour & horror. Hair & Skin ...
By: Dan

I just discovered this series and I'm glad I did! Intriguing stories and excellent narration. Each story is so descriptive it’s easy to have a clear mental image of the scenes. And now I see many more Mike Bennett recordings in the library . . . can’t wait to download ...
By: SGP2327

Part 2 of Hair and Skin scared the crap out of me! Yes I would like a cup of tea or something. lol That was awesome. No story has ever captivated me the way that story has. I've got to get to part 3 finale to find out what happens ...
By: Shannon

A fantastic collection of stories! I've just finished vol. 1 and am so glad I was behind on finding Podiobooks because now I won't have to wait weeks or months for vol. 2 to be posted. God, now THAT would have been scary - no more Mike Bennett story-time! I ...
By: jaxx

3.47 am... My ipod sits in it's speaker dock, I was going to listen to some music to fall asleep to, that was quite some time ago... That haunting music creeps spider-like into my room, your voice the silken threads that make the web I've been lured into... An image ...
By: holly wilson

mike, i love Hall of Mirrors 1 and 2, and One Amoung the Sleepless, but my true love is U&F - I just the past weekend finished the final chapter 45, not gonna say much about what happens, just wanted you to know that you are a true artist in ...

On trolls ep: for a second I thought you would twist it and have Martin be skitzo and be murdering kids. I still dont get why Janice said what she did. I am still shaking from that ep. Move over Stephen King. ... On to the grave. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
By: Mike Bennett

Many thanks to everyone for the feedback. I'm delighted that so many people have enjoyed Hall of Mirrors Volume One and taken the time to share their thoughts. Don't forget, there's also Volume Two here at Podiobooks: another six tales of horror and the grotesque for you to enjoy :-)