Bleak House (version 4)
Gelesen von Peter John Keeble
Charles Dickens

Bleak house is one of Dickens finest achievements. It was written for serialisation in 1853 when Dickens was at the peak of his career. Monthly sales substantially exceeded his previous bestseller David Copperfield.
Dickens' mastery of the English language comes to the fore in this book. It is an energetic book: a complex mystery story revolving around the heroine Esther Summerson and her path from childhood to marriage. During the course of Esther’s narration Dickens introduces some wonderful and unforgettable characters, and at the same time provides a searing indictment of the laws’ corruption and self-serving interests which prevailed during that time. He pokes fun at the languid and landed aristocracy and questions the societal indifference to the poor. Detection, black comedy, farce, and tragic ruin run through the story. Critics at the time were unenthusiastic but the public were enthralled by it! - Summary by Peter John Keeble (34 hr 4 min)
Beautiful a must listen

Peter John Keeble reads this story beautifully, his accent adds to the feel of the whole book he is now on my list of excellent narrators that I won't hesitate to listen and what's more the time he has volunteered to read this to us.

The best. Peter John Keeble is perfect for Bleak House. Darn long book. I must have walked at least 60 miles listening. He brought the characters alive.

As always, one of Dickens’ best again narrated by one of the finest voices in the entire LibriVox collection !!! IMHO, only topped by Lars Rolander, Phil Chenevert, and Andy Minter in all points, totally excellent for narrative consistency, smooth steady delivery, and the ability to project into a speaking selection such wealth of understanding the book comes alive to the listener in such a way that you feel the author is reading it to you alone for the first time !!! Thank you All !!!
my favorite dickens
Jon Mark Wilson

Dickens has never been a favorite of mine, but Esther and her first person narrative give us the most complex and mature female heroine than I have yet encountered in English romance, including all Jane Austen put together. That the reader hails from Nottingham, UK, gives this reading an air of authenticity to my tin Yankee ears, although I did have to play back at normal rather than accelerated speeds as I often like to do with audiobooks, especially of such length.
Excellent Interpretation
Scott in Sandy Eggo

Having listened to most of the catalogue of Dickens novels and the various readers, Mr. Keeble gives the best delivery and interpretation of the characters in his reading of this novel. It’s simply perfect. Thank you for your contribution, dedication, and sincerity in your work, Mr. Keeble, you have kept me company and are a gift to time and imagination.
Kim B

I love this book. Such a rich story. It definitely has its sad aspects, but it's really a beautiful story of love and hope. Thank you for your wonderful reading!

Excellent voice. Well modulated and adjusted to each character. Occasionally he skips a few lines of the book on accident.
Excellently read with understanding and warmth.