Queen Elizabeth
Gelesen von Pamela Nagami
Mandell Creighton

"The Princess Elizabeth of England was born at Greenwich, between three and four of the afternoon of September 7, 1533. Her birth was a matter of small rejoicing to her parents, who were sorely disappointed that their first-born was not a boy." So begins this short, but stirring biography by the British historian, Mandell Creighton, of the magnificent last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. We see Elizabeth in constant peril during the turbulent and ineffectual reigns of Edward VI and Mary. At her accession, her country is little better than an appendage of the Spanish state. By the end of her reign, England has become a major power. Creighton writes that, "Elizabeth's imperishable claim to greatness lies in her instinctive sympathy with her people. She felt, rather than understood, the possibilities which lay before England, and she set herself to the task of slowly exhibiting, and impressing them on the national mind." (Pamela Nagami) (8 hr 54 min)
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Modern scholarship tends to make Elizabeth a shallow manipulative monarch, as the writers over-research draw too many assumptive conclusions. Creighton gives welcome relief from this pseudo-scholarship, furnishing the reader a simple picture of a very human woman who happened to be queen of England at a time when that tiny nation held the future of western civilation in its hand. That England rose to its destiny was due to ER, a woman who was one of the greatest politiques of all time and who was that rarest of all breeds, a ruler who was a natural leader who made the correct decisions because she totally identified with her people. Blessings on PM for her perfect narration.
Love this book about Queen Elizabeth
Karen Bromberg

This is a fascinating book. Pamela Nagami does a superb job of narrating.

loved it, as a beginner it was easy to understand