Master Humphrey's Clock
Gelesen von Hamlet
Charles Dickens

Between April of 1840 and December of the following year, Charles Dickens published Master Humphrey's Clock - a weekly periodical that presented short stories ostensibly read by the title character and his circle of friends - as well as correspondence to the fictional club. Ultimately, the periodical included the complete novels "The Old Curiosity Club" and "Barnaby Rudge." These two novels are, however, referenced in the recording, when Master Humphrey and his friends refer to them. This recording presents all the published material except for the two novels. - Summary by Brad "Hamlet" Filippone (4 hr 50 min)
Chapter One, part one - Master Humphrey From His Clock-Side / Introduction to t…
Read by Hamlet
Chapter One, part two - First Night of the Giant Chronicles / Correspondence to…
Read by Hamlet
Chapter Two - Master Humphrey, From His Clock-Side, in the Chimney Corner / The…
Read by Hamlet
Chapter Three, part two - Second Part of Mister Pickwick's Tale / Further Parti…
Read by Hamlet
Chapter Six, part one - Master Humphrey, From His Clockside in the Chimney Corn…
Read by Hamlet
Chapter Six, part two - Master Humphrey, From His Clockside, continued / The De…
Read by Hamlet
Epilogue from Charles Dickens - To the Readers of Master Humphrey's Clock / Pos…
Read by Hamlet
Minor work, well read
Nathan Allen

A minor work by Dickens, but not without its moments, and very ably read.