Oliver Twist (version 6)
Gelesen von Mil Nicholson
Charles Dickens

"Please sir, I want some more," the famous line spoken by Oliver Twist at age nine, becomes the tipping point of a huge change in Oliver's life. He is soon captured into the service of Fagin and his gang of pick-pocketing boys. But, Mr. Brownlow saves him from arrest, and for the first time in his young life Oliver finds comfort and caring. Unfortunately, he is recaptured into the seedy and disgusting world he had escaped, and meets with Bill Sykes, a dangerous criminal. There are numerous delightful or wicked characters that carry the story along, such as the Artful Dodger-- a boy of the streets under Fagin, Mr. Bumble the Beadle, looking for ways to get rid of Oliver, Nancy who makes a fateful betrayal, and the Maylies, whose affection Oliver craves. The author's descriptions of the back street life in London, bring us full force into the crushing poverty and the terrible way in which poor people were treated during that time. Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist as a serial in 1837, and it is considered one of the most popular in English literature. - Summary by Mil Nicholson (17 hr 25 min)
Mil the Magnificent!

Mil is magnificent! This is how Dickens' books should be read. Bravo Mil!

I absolutely love listening to Mil read Dickens. Thanks loads for all the time and effort you invest in reading for librivox!
beautiful reading of this somber story!

Mil Nicholson is brilliant as usual! Her readings make Dickens so much more understandable and enjoyable. Oliver Twist is one of his more melancholy novels, but with powerful messages about the strength and influence of women and that good prevails over evil.
What a treat!
Mil Nicholson fan

A *perfect* reading of a childhood classic. Mil Nicholson has created a treasure that will be savored by generations to come. Thank you for this gift you have given, Mil.

Amazing reading! Mil brings Dickens to life!

It's such a pleasure to listen to Mil Nicholson read Dickens. Thank you very much for your work. I I tried to send 5 stars but my iPad wouldn't do it.

Such an incredible reader! Thank you! I could understand the book far better with this reader, and I am normally a very good reader.

Thanks Mil for the reading. Its a wonderful recording.