The End of the Middle Age: 1273-1453
Gelesen von Pamela Nagami
Eleanor Constance Lodge

Eleanor Constance Lodge, (1869-1936), was the first woman to receive a Doctorate of Letters from the University of Oxford. In this short survey, the 180 years between 1273 and 1453 are characterized as a period of "transition--a time in which medieval characteristics were decaying and modern characteristics were growing up." This is the age of Joan of Arc, of the recovery of Spain from the Moors, of the failed Crusades of the Teutonic Knights, and of the union of Poland and Lithuania under the strong house of Jagello. The Swiss Republic rose, while schism divided the Papacy and the German states. And all the while the European powers were wrangling among themselves, the Ottoman Turks were advancing across the eastern Mediterranean. The book closes with the fall of Constantinople before the overwhelming assault by land and sea of the great general, Mehmed the Conqueror, which marked the end, after 1500 years, of the Eastern Roman Empire. - Summary by Pamela Nagami (8 hr 42 min)

I have listened to three tomes covering the three periods of the Middle Ages, each by a different author. The research required for each of these is obviously prodigious. I certainly make no claim to a total grasp of the events of the period, but it is definitely more organized in my mind. Hearty thanks go to each historian for his/her efforts. But the highest plaudits go to Pamela N for her matchless style of narrating history.
God bless you

Thanks to Librivox and to Pamela Nagami. George Kwayfaty.
Brings the past alive

This is an old book you can get in public domain. it is beautifully read by Pamela Nagami, not by a robot. she makes the Past come to life as she reads. The book is more insightful about the connections in history than many history books I've read. even so, her reading really makes the difference. I cannot see what Android is typing so I hope I spelled her name correctly. This review box does not allow me to see the text as I talk. But that does not detract from this very gorgeous book, as she reads it. I will be listening to it many times, as I need to know this period (to show the prophetic value of the annual prophecy in Matthew 24 + 25 in Greek). Thank you for your time!