Coffee Break Collection 016 - Crime
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This is the sixteenth collection of our "coffee break" series, involving public domain works that are between about 3 and 15 minutes in length. These are great for study breaks, commutes, workouts, or any time you'd like to hear a whole story and only have a few minutes to devote to listening. The theme for this collection is "Crime", where crime or criminals are significant. Librivox readers have chosen a combination of social commentaries, newspaper reports of true crimes and criminals, letters, fictional accounts of the life of the criminal and short 'whodunnit' mysteries. - Summary by Lynne Thompson (2 hr 15 min)
Asexualization: Excerpt from Causes and Cures of Crime, by Thomas Speed Mosby b…
Read by Craig Campbell
'Brooklyn Girl Robbed' by anonymous from the New York Times, May 27, 1900.
Read by Colleen McMahon
Circumstantial Account of the Life, Trial, Piracies, and Execution of Captain J…
Read by DrPGould
Correspondence with the Emperor Trajan by Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Pli…
Read by DrPGould
interesting. nice short stories from long ago.
T J Bird