Frederick Douglass A Biography
Gelesen von KirksVoice
Charles Waddell Chesnutt

Born into slavery, Frederick Douglass became one of America's great icons. He escaped slavery to become one of our great abolitionists, statesman, writer, orator, all around social reformer and intellectual of our time. He was born in 1818 in the state of Maryland. (2 hr 33 min)
The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe

The Douglass narrative is contaminated by the fact his Father was in fact a white slave owner. How can FD ignore this fact and yet still claims to speak for African Almericans? If there were any justice, FD would be locked up and forced to work on a plantation, just as his father forced all the real African Americans to work on his slave plantation. No I will not have scions of privileged white slave owners lecturing me about injustice. His writing is contaminated by the voice of whiteness. Only college educated white liberals can speak with an authentic African American voice.
read about Frederick Douglass many years ago.
lion's heart

One of my favorite biographies.