Eight Keys to Eden
Gelesen von Dale Grothmann
Mark Clifton

When Earth loses contact with the colony planet Eden, an expedition is sent to find out why. Even though the planet has been determined to have no hostile properties, the second expedition is astonished to find no evidence of the colony. The colonists are spread out, naked, wandering dazed among the bushes, with no sign of any of the technology they brought from Earth. - Summary by Dale Grothmann (6 hr 13 min)
Bravo from Borneo
Lord Jim

I like this type of sci-fi novel that explores our understanding of the natural world around us. I also appreciated the premise that highly intelligent E people were necessary to break all man's preconceived scientific notions that sought to explain our world. It's as true in the real world...as in this novel...that you have to forget about the past, in order with an open mind, to make truly big leaps in understanding. Chapeau to the narrator Dale Grothmann, who really brought the characters in this book to life...increasingly one of my favourite readers...
Author has interesting views

Story is so-so, but author has very strong opinions and views on religion, science, government, police, judgments on morals, etc. I enjoyed listening to his thoughts in the context of the story.
fair only
Gerard Kelly

thanks to the reader good job. however the book really got bogged down in unnecessary detail and explanation towards the end.
I live it when a story is still so relevant decades later


This one will really makes you think!