American Notes (Version 2)
Gelesen von Hamlet
Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens records his impressions of America during his 1842 journey. - Summary by Brad "Hamlet" Filippone (9 hr 55 min)
Some further Account of the Canal Boat, its Domestic Economy, and its Passenger…
Read by Hamlet
From Cincinnati to Louisville in another Western Steamboat; and from Louisville…
Read by Hamlet
Return to Cincinnati. A Stage-coach Ride from that City to Columbus, and thenc…
Read by Hamlet
In Canada; Toronto; Kingston; Montreal; Quebec; St. John’s. In the United Stat…
Read by Hamlet
take the time and listen, you’ll be glad you did.

First chapters had me thinking it was just a humorous story, then came observations of how America and Americans were then. Then came his final assessment. Raw and sobering. The good news: we have greatly improved. The bad news: he points out issues that haven’t been addressed by too many. The message should be heard again in this day. Well read throughout.
henry of Randolph

How relevant to America today 2020