The Age of Anne
Gelesen von Pamela Nagami
Edward Ellis Morris

This short survey of the age of Queen Anne begins with the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) and the career of the Duke of Marlborough, leader of the allied armies against Louis XIV. Scotland joins England to form the United Kingdom. Peter the Great wrests control of the Gulf of Finland from Charles XII of Sweden and builds St. Petersburg. Despite the Jacobite threat, the Whigs secure the Protestant Succession and George I ascends the throne. Pope writes a mock epic in couplets, Addison's "Spectator" enlivens coffee houses and tea tables, and Defoe creates the immortal "Robinson Crusoe." (Pamela Nagami, M.D.) (7 hr 44 min)
Lots of battles

We Americans don't learn much about Queen Anne, other than all her children died young and a Victorian "cottage" style of architecture was named after her. There was a lot happening on the European continent, and the men around Anne had much influence. I don't think the author gives her enough credit for courage, resilience, and political ability. How is it possible to go through 17 pregnancies in as many years, to lose most of them in stillbirth or miscarriage, and to watch the remaining children die, and still perform your political duties and navigate the gossip and backbiting of a royal court? It was a pivotal time, and I thank the narrator for making it available.