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The Truth About Adolf Hitler and The Third Reich

(4,328 Sterne; 67 Bewertungen)

Sermon about Third Reich Germany.


Hitler sermon



You owe it to yourself to hear both sides

(5 Sterne)

Also recommended is a documentary called "Greatest Story Never Told" though it's getting harder to find these days.

Extremely informative!

(5 Sterne)

For as many books, documents & talks with folks I've had around Europe & America, rarely do you get to hear the other side of the story. I've heard many of these same things from older people who lived through or had stories from their loved ones during WW1 & WW2. Unfortunately the winners of wars write the narrative they want to sell to the public. So many people forget that Germany was a nation with it's people to protect & provide for. Despite what many people say, most of the world including the American people did not want a war with Germany at the time. Hitler even pled for peace but Americas elite class & Wall Street had to sell it. Polls from the time showed almost 95% of America did not want war with Germany. The bankers of the UK had to almost force the people into it. It's amazing to me how little people know about history but being ignorant will still shout the narrative they have been spoon-fed by the very government they distrust today.

Uncomfortable Truths

(5 Sterne)

A forbidden historical look at the other side of the story. The story that cannot be told in the main stream. Also provides some interesting insight into parallels that the US is currently engaged in.

(5 Sterne)

Truth that must come to light! Only then Justice will prevail!

These types of books should be published more often

(5 Sterne)


(5 Sterne)

This is just a taste. Watch Europa, the greatest story never told, or you are Amalek. Educate yourself.

2025 Anyone?

(5 Sterne)

This is a masterpiece of truth and hope.

anti semetic bs

(1 Sterne)

a sermon praising Hitler and the third Reich.