William the Third
Gelesen von Pamela Nagami
Henry Duff Traill

William Henry, Prince of Orange and Nassau, Dutch William to the English, was born in a state threatened by the military ambitions of Louis XIV. “Reared from his very cradle amid the animosities of contending factions,” Traill writes, “the young Prince learned early those four lessons of statecraft,—to conceal his designs, to watch his opportunities, to choose his instruments, and to bide his time.” The Dutch Republic, distrustful of monarchs, reluctantly chose him as stadtholder to lead their armies, and then, after the overthrow of James II in 1688, he became with his consort, Mary, England’s king. (Summary by Pamela Nagami, M.D.) (6 hr 20 min)
Wonderful details
Barry Rathbone MAR Dip LSR

Good King Billy saved the monarchy with his demure and canny skills. One niggle though Ms Pamela (&, it would appear, all the people's to the West of the Atlantic)... SCOTCH is a descriptive adjective for Whisky. We, the people of Scotland & the Isles are SCOTS, or SCOTTISH. Please try thankyou