Love Poems by Famous Authors
Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers

A collection of love poems, including the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet, Tristram & Iseult, and selections from many authors including Lord Byron, Robert Burns, Robert Browning, Tennyson, and many more.
Roles in Romeo and Juliet, read by Librivox volunteers:
Romeo: Greg Giordano
Juliet: Irene Rubio
Narrator: Alan Mapstone
Roles in Tristram and Iseult I, read by Librivox volunteers:
Narrator: redrun
Tristram: Greg Giordano
The Page: nighthawks
Roles in Tristram and Iseult II, read by Librivox volunteers:
Narrator: Redrun
Tristram: Greg Giordano
Iseult: Elyse
Huntsman: Alan Mapstone
Dames: stepheather
(Summary by Krista Zaleski) (6 hr 16 min)
Du Bist Wie Eime Blume by Heinrich Heine, translated by Kate Freiligrath Kroek…
Read by Kerry Adams
Saphire Sind Die Augen Dein by Heinrich Heine, translated by Alma Strettell
Read by Kerry Adams