The Meredith Mystery
Gelesen von James R. Hedrick
Natalie Sumner Lincoln
While spending a weekend at Ten Acres, David Curtis, a blind physician, in grouping (sic) his way along the passage to his room stumbles upon the dead body of his host, John Meredith. Suspicion falls upon Meredith's niece. Curtis determines to clear her name, and his methods in spite of his handicap make absorbing reading. Just before his death Meredith had exacted a promise from his niece to marry Curtis, and very much against her will she had finally consented to do so. This fact, coupled with other evidence almost convicts Anne, but the efforts of Curtis finally place the guilt upon the real criminal.
- Summary by Book Review Digest, v.19 (1924) (5 hr 55 min)
Excellent reader. Perfectly woven plot. Thank you librox.