Sekar Karya
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Sekar Karya is a collection of public domain literary works, including poems and prose, in both the Modern and Old Javanese languages.
Javanese: Sekar Karya yaiku koleksi kasastraan ing domain umum kelebu ing puisi lan prosa, iki ing basa jawa modhèrn lan basa jawa kuna.
Indonesian: Sekar Karya adalah koleksi kesastraan dalam domain umum termasuk dalam puisi dan prosa, ini dalam bahasa jawa moderen dan bahasa jawa kuno. (Summary by Varra Unreal) (0 hr 59 min)
cultural reserve
RM. Kusumo

great ancient cultural recording, the reader has not yet put emotions/expression as no intonation into it. because it written in ancient language, perhaps she does not really understand either those mean.