A Horse's Tale (Version 2)
Gelesen von John Greenman
Mark Twain

A Horse's Tale is a novel by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), written partially in the voice of Soldier Boy, who is Buffalo Bill's favorite horse, at a fictional frontier outpost with the U.S. 7th Cavalry. With a fanciful mix of points of view, we hear the story of Cathy and her relationship with Soldier Boy and the soldiers of the 7th Cavalry. A surprisingly graphic depiction of a Spanish bullfight leaves no doubt where Mark Twain's sympathies lie. (Introduction by John Greenman & Wikipedia) (1 hr 54 min)
Most Excellent

This was the first reading I've listened to by John Greenman. I am simply in awe of the life that he has breathed into this story by his skillful narrative. The voice inflections, the cadence, the tone changes & accents accorded the various characters...simply marvelous! This Mark Twain classic is humorous, warm, stirring and inspired me both to laughter and tears.
excellent reader and writer

I heard of this book when reading a “cat who” book and realized it was one of Twain’s that I had missed. Thanks for sharing this experence
terry cappellieri

Incredibly sad ending. If you can read this but not shed a tear, your heart is made of stone
Optimus Prime

I loved it! Such a good story and great reading. The end was sad but touching. Just love it.

I didn’t really understand the end, but otherwise it was great, I love Mark Twains books
Ariel Rhea

Funny and engaging story, until the last 2 chapters. Very unexpected.
A Horse's Tale (Version 2)
David R. Smith

Well read, fun listen - thanks!
Perhaps the most sad story from Mr Clemmons.
Mr Morley