Gelesen von James E. Carson
George Moore and George Logan Moore

The author is considered the first great Irish writer of realist fiction and is said to have been an inspiration for James Joyce. Celibates is a novel of three characters: Mildred Lawson, John Norton and Agnes Lahens.They have nothing in common other than an absolute love of themselves and an inability to sympathize with others. In that vein, it constitutes a striking image of our own modern day self-absorbed society. (Introduction by James Carson) (10 hr 34 min)
Intriguing novel

I found this a really interesting and psychologically deep novel with overall excellent narration. However, the section that describes the rape of a character suffered from a somewhat hesitant and 'colour-by-numbers' performance, to my ears at least, as if the narrator was only partially familiar with the text, and the emotional impact was dulled. There is also an occasional loud buzzing noise (bad) and birdsong (good) in the background. Despite that, this is a more than fine librivox effort and I recommend it highly.
Buried treasure

Moore is remarkable and Carson's understated reading allows listeners to appreciate his wit.