Gargantua and Pantagruel, Book II
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François Rabelais

The Life of Gargantua and of Pantagruel (in French, La vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel) is a connected series of five novels written in the 16th century by François Rabelais. It is the story of two giants, a father (Gargantua) and his son (Pantagruel) and their adventures, written in an amusing, extravagant, satirical vein. There is much crudity and scatological humor as well as a large amount of violence. Long lists of vulgar insults fill several chapters. (Summary by Wikipedia) (6 hr 56 min)
How Pantagruel met with a Limousin, who too affectedly did counterfeit the Fren…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel came to Paris, and of the choice books of the Library of St. Vic…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel, being at Paris, received letters from his father Gargantua, and…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel judged so equitably of a controversy, which was wonderfully obsc…
Read by Martin Geeson
How the Lords of Kissbreech and Suckfist did plead before Pantagruel without an…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Panurge related the manner how he escaped out of the hands of the Turks
Read by Martin Geeson
How Panurge gained the pardons, and married the old women, and of the suit in l…
Read by Keri Ford
How a great scholar of England would have argued against Pantagruel, and was ov…
Read by Bob Gonzalez
How Pantagruel departed from Paris, hearing news that the Dipsodes had invaded …
Read by Kalynda
A letter which a messenger brought to Pantagruel from a lady of Paris, together…
Read by Kalynda
How Panurge, Carpalin, Eusthenes, and Epistemon, the gentlemen attendants of Pa…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel and his company were weary in eating still salt meats; and how C…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel set up one trophy in memorial of their valour, and Panurge anoth…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel got the victory very strangely over the Dipsodes and the Giants
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel discomfited the three hundred giants armed with free-stone, and …
Read by Martin Geeson
How Epistemon, who had his head cut off, was finely healed by Panurge, and of t…
Read by Martin Geeson
How Pantagruel entered into the city of the Amaurots, and how Panurge married K…
Read by April Gonzales
How Pantagruel with his tongue covered a whole army, and what the author saw in…
Read by Martin Geeson

specular narration. however, the whole book is not yet complete.