Gelesen von KirksVoice
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Zanoni, a timeless Rosicrucian brother, cannot fall in love without losing his power of immortality; but he does fall in love with Viola Pisani, a promising young opera singer from Naples, the daughter of Pisani, a misunderstood Italian violinist. An English gentleman named Glyndon loves Viola as well, but is indecisive about proposing marriage, and then renounces his love in order to pursue occult study. The story develops in the days of the French Revolution in 1789. Zanoni has lived since the Chaldean civilization. His master Mejnor warns him against a love affair but Zanoni does not heed. He finally marries Viola and they have a child. As Zanoni experiences an increase in humanity, he begins to lose his gift of immortality.( Summary by Wikipedia ) (15 hr 24 min)

This book is a deep wormhole into the higher emotions of control if you have the guts to digest this book it will sit hard and tug at your passions. Although somewhat obscure with its true essence many gems rest between the pages. Listen carefully and don't be afraid to do the 1 step forward 2 steps back method while reading for it gets deeper and deeper.. Enjoy folks
Sad story

The summary covers the plot. This story picks up slowly, gets interesting, and then takes the expected sad turn. The writing style also changes up a bit. If you are a fan of Greek or Roman mythology, you will appreciate this tragic story of an immortal who gives it up for the love of a human. The reader is excellent, and the recordings are nicely done.

Another book on my read list taken down. Hoping to see Magus Incognito's Secret Doctrine next.... (Fingers Crossed) Mr. Kirk has an excellent voice & the recording is well done.
A lots of thanks

Great book and perfect readings.
Long book, very romantic
Karen Bromberg

Super narrator.