Journal of A Residence On A Georgian Plantation, 1838-1839
Gelesen von James K. White
Frances Anne Kemble and Frances Anne "Fanny" Kemble

Fanny Kemble was a British actress who married mega-plantation owner, Pierce Butler of Georgia. During her marriage she kept journals of everyday life, and after some years grew to detest the institution of slavery and the things Butler stood for. Kemble eventually divorced him, but it wasn't until after the Civil War had started that she published her journal about her observations and the experiences of the hundreds of African American slaves owned by her ex-husband. - Summary by James K. White (11 hr 59 min)

I absolutely loved this book. It was so sad times but her experience in slavery made her anti - slavery. And James K. White is the BEST reader ever.
Moving, revealing and well written

this book teaches a lot about the appalling lives of slaves on a plantation and the contrast with the lives of slaves owners
James K. White great narrator

James K. White is such a great narrator. thank you.
Journal of a Residence

Yet again James White resurrects an important account of American slavery. And yet again I write that everyone should read (or listen!) to it. Frances Anne Kemble is better known on this (the European) side of the Atlantic by her stage name: Fanny Kemble. This famous actress was also talented writer who, appalled by time on her husband's sugar and cotton plantations, was also aware that others' degradation was the price of her comfort. Kemble also gives us important insights into White culture of the era as well as the microeconomics of slaveholding and its effects on slaves' conditions of life. Considering the time and place, this is a remarkably candid account. Thank you James! Although this title isn't downloaded as frequently as others, it was well worth your effort. You keep recording and i'll keep listening. TheBookworm (Manchester, UK)
Two Five Stars!

James K. White's reading - Five Stars! There are certain readers that impress me so greatly with voice and professional quality of recording that I immediately search their name to find more books. I searched for more books read by James K. White upon completion of Kemble's journal. Frances Anne Kemble's journal - Five Stars! I think it is in the descriptions of daily life that reveal the horrors of slavery in such a devastating and memorable manner. This is a powerful account. This book should be as widely read as possible.
An anti-slavery Brit living on $$ of GA rice and cotton.