Life of Prince Metternich
Gelesen von Pamela Nagami
George Bruce Malleson

Klemens von Metternich (1773-1859) first foreign minister, and then chancellor of the Austrian Empire was a great diplomat: crafty, manipulative, and single-minded in his determination to overthrow Napoleon and his revolutionary ideals and to reestablish the European monarchical system. In this short 1888 biography, the British officer, Colonel G. B. Malleson, describes how the charming, aristocratic Metternich devoted countless hours to winning Napoleon's trust and to buying time for his country, until a rearmed Austria, at the head of the Sixth Coalition, was able to defeat the still-formidable Corsican. From 1815 until his downfall amid the revolutions of 1848, Malleson writes of Metternich that he devoted "all his power, all his influence, all his untiring energy, to the forging of new fetters for the human race." (summary by Pamela Nagami) (7 hr 29 min)
Ch. 3: From the War of 1809 to the Retreat from Moscow. 1809-1812, Pt. 1
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 3: From the War of 1809 to the Retreat from Moscow. 1809-1812, Pt. 2
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 4: From the Winter of 1812 to the Armistice of Pleiswitz, 1812-1813, Pt. 1
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 4: From the Winter of 1812 to the Armistice of Pleiswitz, 1812-1813, Pt. 2
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 5: From the Armistice of Pleiswitz to the Renewal of the Hostilities. June-…
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 5: From the Armistice of Pleiswitz to the Renewal of Hostilities, June-Augu…
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 6: From the Rupture of the Armistice of Pleiswitz to the Fall of Napoleon. …
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 7: The Crisis before the Hundred Days--and After. March, 1814 to November, …
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 7: The Crisis before the Hundred Days--and After. March, 1814 to November, …
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 8: The Continental System of Metternich; Its Rise and Progress. 1815-1830, …
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 8: The Continental System of Metternich; Its Rise and Progress. 1815-1830, …
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 9: The Decline and Fall of Metternich's System in Europe. 1830-1848, Pt. 1
Read by Pamela Nagami
Ch. 9: The Decline and Fall of Metternich's System in Europe. 1830-1848, Pt. 2
Read by Pamela Nagami
this is a good work
holmesboy I really like this together focus so much on the events and gave a di…

I really like this. It was a different focus then the recent book I read called Vienna, 1814, which was all about the peace conference and the Congress of Vienna. There were some rather interesting tidbits put in this book that I did not hear in the other one. For example I never knew about the interest in St. Helena as the original location, nor did I know about Scotland. All in all the author did a good job and I recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about this very interesting man whose life intersected with and even more interesting man Napoleon. It is very interesting to hear about how Napoleon's second marriage really was his Achilles' heel.
looks like a good bet

nice intro good sound quality